This function computes species distribution models using
two modelling algorithms: generalized linear models,
and maximum entropy (only if rJava
is available).
Note: this is an experimental function, and may change in the future.
layers = NULL,
pol = NULL,
thin = TRUE,
thin.size = 500,
algorithm = "all",
size = 50,
width = 50000,
mask = FALSE,
background = NULL
A dataframe containing the species occurrences and geographic coordinates. Column 1 labeled as "species", column 2 "lon", column 3 "lat".
A SpatRaster
of predictor variables for fitting species
distribution models from species occurrences.
A vector polygon specifying the calibration area or boundary to
account for a more realistic dispersal capacity and ecological limitation
of a species. If NULL
, the extent of input points is used.
Whether to spatially thin occurrences
The size of the thin occurrences.
Character. The choice of algorithm to run the species distribution model. For now, the available algorithms include:
“all”: Calls all available algorithms: both GLM and MAXENT.
“GLM”: Calls only Generalized linear model.
“MAXENT”: Calls only Maximum entropy.
Minimum number of points required to successfully run a species distribution model especially for species with few occurrences.
Width of buffer in meter if x is in longitude/latitude CRS.
logical. Should layers
be used to mask? Only used if
is a SpatVector.
If predicting to new time points, the climate layers for the time points.
A dataframe of background points, specifying 2 columns with long lat or x and y as nulls for species distribution modeling, often using a vector of probability weights.
A list with the following objects:
The ensembled raster that predicts
the potential species distribution based on the algorithms selected.
The dataframe of occurrences used to implement the model.
Map polygons of the predicted distributions
analogous to extent-of-occurrence range polygon.
Raster layers for the separate models that
predict the potential species distribution.
Zurell, D., Franklin, J., König, C., Bouchet, P.J., Dormann, C.F., Elith, J., Fandos, G., Feng, X., Guillera‐Arroita, G., Guisan, A., Lahoz‐Monfort, J.J., Leitão, P.J., Park, D.S., Peterson, A.T., Rapacciuolo, G., Schmatz, D.R., Schröder, B., Serra‐Diaz, J.M., Thuiller, W., Yates, K.L., Zimmermann, N.E. and Merow, C. (2020), A standard protocol for reporting species distribution models. Ecography, 43: 1261-1277.
# \donttest{
# get predictor variables
f <- system.file("ex/bio.tif", package="predicts")
preds <- rast(f)
# get species occurrences
b <- file.path(system.file(package="predicts"), "ex/bradypus.csv")
d <- read.csv(b)
# fit ensemble model for four algorithms
# m <- sdm(d, layers = preds, predictors = preds, algorithm = "all")
# plot(m$ensemble_raster)
# plot(m$polygon, add=TRUE)
# }