Visualize biogeographic patterns using pie charts
radius = 0.55,
col = hcl.colors(5),
pie_control = list(),
legend = FALSE,
legend_pie = FALSE,
a matrix of phyloregion of probabilities of each species
a vector polygon of grid cells with a column labeled “grids”.
Radius of the pie legend to be displayed
List of colors for the pies.
The list of control parameters to be passed into the add.pie function.
Logical, whether to plot a legend or not.
Legend for the pie plots.
Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
Returns no value, just map color pies in geographic space!
p <- vect(system.file("ex/sa.json", package = "phyloregion"))
K <- ncol(africa$omega)
CLRS <- hcl.colors(K)
plot_pie(africa$omega, pol = p, col=CLRS)